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15 Secretly Funny People Working In Freestanding Log Effect Electric F…


Tên Hai 24-01-21 02:09


Freestanding Log Effect Electric Fires

Electric log fires can be a fantastic alternative to a traditional fireplace. They offer the same appeal as an actual wood fireplace but without the dangers and maintenance of real wood. They allow you to swap the logs for a pebble or a crystal fuel bed to create a different look.

They can be moved from room to another since they do not require a chimney or ventilation system and they don't create a flame so do not require clearance from combustible substances.


Electric fires are an excellent option for those seeking to build a multi-functional and attractive fireplace to their home. They don't require an installation that is permanent. They can be mounted on the wall, inserted into an existing hole in the wall, or used as a freestanding unit. They're also very flexible, with many able to be controlled by the remote, or even programmable with a timer function. They're a great option for those with small spaces or who rent their property.

Fires2U's range of electric log fires comes with traditional and modern designs. There's a wide range of frame colours and fuel effects, in addition to numerous light functions. There are fires that range from small, low-profile designs that are suitable for flat to the wall installations to 3-sided and front-facing designs that are ideal for hole in the wall or inset fireplaces. Choose from either a pebble or coal fuel bed for a more traditional appearance or opt for a modern design with an acrylic flame effect and a range of glass colours including a sandstone or black spacer surround.

If you're looking to manage usage, we also have several energy efficient models that could help you save on electricity costs. These models feature thermostatic controls that keep the temperature of a predetermined level and then turn off when the room is at this temperature. This can save you money on energy bills. We also have models that come with programmable timers to enable you to set your fire to turn on at a particular time and shut off after an hour or so to avoid unnecessary use. Many of these electric fireplaces also come with backlighting to create mood lighting for your home.

Installation flexibility

The design of electric fires provides flexibility for installation that can be tailored to fit your space. If you decide to purchase an electric stove that resembles a log burner, for instance, you can place it on a mantel or install it in an alcove for a seamless finish. Many models come with logs that are removable that you can change to match your style. You can also alter the temperature settings and visual effects with remote control, which gives you the maximum convenience.

Similarly, wall-mounted electric fireplace options such as the Celsi Ultiflame VR Elite or Evonic Halo 1500 XT are designed to be set into the wall to create an elegant and minimalist look. They are perfect for rooms with limited floor space and they can be positioned at eye level or lower to create an impressive effect that can enhance the look of a living room.

A built-in electric fireplace can be integrated in furniture such as media consoles or beautiful mantels. They can be installed in an existing chimney, which solves problems with existing fireplaces. Or, they can be installed into a wall to give it a flush look. Certain models are available in compact designs, which are perfect for smaller spaces.

Some electric fires, such as the Dimplex Optimyst or Optiflame Plus range, have built-in energy efficiency features that will help you save energy costs. They automatically analyze your heating use to reduce unnecessary heat output and ensure you get the most benefit from your heater. You can also choose to pre-set the heat to turn off or on at specific times by using the use of a timer that can be programmed.

A wide range of control options



Người đại diện: Kang Musung
Địa chỉ: : Số 10, Đường số 64,
Khu dân cư Tân Quy Đông,
Phường Tân Phong, Quận 7,
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
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