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A Step-By-Step Guide For Choosing Your Electric Fire Suites


Tên Ann 24-01-21 05:42


amberglo electric fire Fire Suites

Electric fireplace suites are a great alternative to gas or solid fuel fireplaces. If you're looking for a chic centerpiece for your living room, new extension or conservatory, they fit effortlessly on flat walls and are easy to control.

Different suites are designed to suit different rooms and provide varying temperatures. Here are a few important aspects to take into consideration when choosing the right suite for your home:

Ease of Installation

The electric firesuite fire suites can be installed with just an electrical plug. You can choose between the wall-mounted option or an inset option to fit inside the fireplace opening. Both are simple to install and can be customized to suit your desired options, including heating settings as well as additional features such as remote control and backlighting.

Depending on your choice of electric fireplace suite, you may need to drill a hole into the wall to accommodate cables. Some models, like the Celsi Ultiflame Adour Aleesia Suite or the Stratus 125 True View electric fireplace suite, are designed to be simply placed on a wall with an installation bracket. Others need a fireplace recess with a 55mm or 100mm depth, and you should consult the installation instructions for specific guidance.

Once the holes are completed, you can insert rawl plugs in them and then use wall brackets or hanging screws to secure your new fireplace suite in position. Ideally, you should connect it to a power source prior to hanging or positioning it so that it can allow you to test it and make sure that all functions are functioning correctly.

Modern electric fire sets come with energy efficiency features, such as timers and thermostats that can help you reduce your energy consumption. These can be programmed to regulate usage by turning the fire off white electric fireplace and on at regular intervals to keep the desired temperature without causing excessive heat to your space. The wattage setting on your electric fireplace allows you to control the amount of energy it produces. Calculating the wattage consumption is not difficult, and you can do this by estimating the number of hours you'll use it every day.

If you're limited on space, you can opt for a free-standing electric fire suite, like the Dimplex Castillo model, which is completely independent of walls. It is modern in style and usually comes with downlights which can provide mood lighting and warm your home. Free-standing electric fire suites are also simple to move around, and they're the ideal choice for homes that don't have a chimney breast or flue.


Electric fire suites provide a mesmerising flame display that can be switched on immediately and effortlessly without hassle. No ash to clean and no carbon monoxide to monitor the only thing you have to do is to sit back and relax in the comfort of your favorite armchair.

These fireplace suites are perfect for homes that do not have chimneys since they can be set against flat walls and can be utilized in the living room, dining room or even in the kitchen. These fires are more efficient than traditional gas or wood fires, so you can use them to warm your home at a fraction of the price.

Electric fires are available in various styles. They can be put in within existing hearths or stand-alone. There are also surrounds in both traditional and contemporary designs that provide a stunning frame for the fires. This creates a focal point for any room. Many of these surrounds come with log stores, media units and display areas to add a further aesthetic aspect to your room design.

Electric fires are affordable and have minimal running expenses. They are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to put a fireplace into their home. Electric fires also heat up the space more quickly than traditional wood or natural gas fires. They can be used to enhance heating by flicking the switch.

Electric fire suites are also suitable for people suffering from asthma or respiratory issues since they don't release toxic fumes. The reason for this is because they don't produce real flames but instead provide a heating source that has been created by a series of LED bulbs. This can also make these fireplaces suitable for young children to use as they aren't as flammable like a real fireplace. Many electric fireplaces come with an automatic shutoff feature that can be activated with a single button.


Electric fire suites provide a stylish alternative to traditional fireplace centrepieces. This is because they come with everything you need to complete the look, such as an inset fireplace and mantel or surround. This ensures that the overall look is unified and all the elements work in harmony and create an efficient and practical design.

As well as being an excellent alternative to conventional gas or balanced flue fire the electric fireplace suite can also be used in homes with no chimney at all. They do not need a hearth, and can be installed flush to the wall. This is a great choice to get an individual appearance. You can pick from a variety of surrounds and mantels to perfectly frame your fireplace.

Most of our electric fireplaces can be installed directly on a wall. This is a wonderful option as it eliminates the need for a chimney or flue, making them ideal for a wider range of homes than traditional models. The installation process is made easier as the fire can be turned on and off with the press of a button.

Our eStudio Arosa or Cerreto suites have a contemporary open-fronted design. Featuring an impressive log effect and glass burned embers, these electrical fire suites are lit by Gazco's advanced Chromalight(r) immersive LED system. With 13 different lighting colors and a spectrum mode, you can alter the ambience to fit your mood and décor.

Landscape Pro also features mesmerising fire effects that shimmer and change to create a stunning focal point. These effects are so lifelike that your guests might have to take a second look to see if the fire is real. You can further personalise your room by choosing from a range of accessories, like log stores, media units and areas to display decorations.

Energy Efficiency

When you're looking to purchase an electric fire suite you'll want to ensure that you're getting the best bang for your buck. Aside from being cheaper to purchase than a gas or solid fuel fireplace Electric fires are also extremely energy efficient. In contrast to traditional heating that use electricity, an electric fire suite requires only two units per hour to generate constant heat. It typically costs less than 15c per day to run, an electric fire suite is an excellent option for those who wish to save money on energy bills.

Electric fires usually have adjustable heat settings which allows you to select the degree of warmth that best suits your room and your personal preferences. Some models feature thermostatic controls that reduce the use of energy and can save money over time. Other features that are available on modern electric fires include automatic temperature adjustments, timers and a flame only setting. The flame-only option allows you to experience a fire's mesmerising effects without using any electricity. This is great for warm evenings or when you are not using your central heater.

For those who already have an existing fireplace, there are also electric inserts available that allow you to transform your current fireplace into a modern and sleek wall-mounted model. With options like pebble or crystal fuel beds these inserts can allow you to tailor the look of your fireplace to your personal taste.

electactic-60-inches-electric-fireplace-Electric suites offer a number of benefits over traditional solid or wood-burning fires and can be installed within most homes, offering an inviting, warm central point to relax in your home. There are many different designs and sizes to suit any home or budget. We at FireplacesAreUs have an array of high quality electric firesuites from the best brands such as Dimplex, Be Modern and Carron. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you require any additional information or assistance regarding our products. Our team of experts will be glad to assist you.


Người đại diện: Kang Musung
Địa chỉ: : Số 10, Đường số 64,
Khu dân cư Tân Quy Đông,
Phường Tân Phong, Quận 7,
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
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