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15 Terms That Everyone Working In The Fridge-Freezer Industry Should K…


Tên Florence Richie 24-03-06 09:39


A Guide to Buying a Fridge Freezer

A fridge freezer helps you keep healthy food on hand, and also keeps leftovers fresher for longer. A lot of fridge freezers come with smart features.

Energy efficiency is a crucial aspect when selecting a fridge-freezer. Look up the kWh figure on the energy label, which tells you the amount of electricity it consumes per year.

Quick-chill and Frydge fast-freeze functions

Many fridge freezers have extra features that can help you keep your food fresher for longer. Certain models can increase your energy efficiency or save you time and effort, but others are more affluent. So if you're looking to buy one, consider how much each feature will cost to the cost and whether it will impact your lifestyle prior to making your decision.

A quick-chill function gives a boost of cooling power to chill fresh food to safe temperatures quickly. This can prevent harmful bacteria and help keep nutrients in. It's a great option if you regularly go through a huge grocery store and require food storage quickly.

Some fridge freezers feature a fast-freeze function that lets you freeze foods at lower temperatures than normal, which helps them retain their texture and quality after they are frozen. This is useful when you have lots of food to store in the freezer at once for instance, following a big dinner party. Be aware that freezing food at temperatures below 0°C can affect its taste and nutritional value.

Some models have a cold accumulation block that stores frozen ice to aid the appliance in maintaining its temperature in the event of a power cut. Some models also have a draining spout that makes it easier to remove melted ice or food spillages.

Ice-cube tray

Every fridge has had ice-cube trays. These trays are ideal for storing leftover sauces, soups and juices. You can freeze small amounts of herbs to use later in a meal.

But not all ice cube trays are created in the same way. Some are made from hard plastic that may break and shatter when you try to get the cubes. There are, however, numerous options that are sturdy and don't require much banging and twisting to release the ice.

Another aspect to consider is how quickly the ice cube tray can be frozen. The smaller the surface area of the tray, the more quickly it will freeze. A tray that has separate compartments for each cube will also freeze faster than one that has divided compartments.

There are many different shapes and sizes available in the market and you can pick from whatever best fits your requirements. For instance, larger ice cubes work well for cocktails since they melt more slowly and don't dilute drinks as much. Cocktail enthusiasts are increasingly drawn to spheres.

The set of four ice-cube tray by OMorc comes with a silicone lid which seals tightly and helps keep freezer smells at low. It has a convenient handle that allows it to be easily stacked and carry. It can create 14 ice cubes. Additionally, the base has been rounded to allow for easy removal. It's also BPA-Zanussi Frost Free Fridge Freezer - Energy Efficient and frydge dishwasher-safe. The tray is easy to grasp and can be frozen flat to stop cracking when moving from the sink to the freezer. They can also be stacked inside the bin that comes with them to make it easy to store them.


Unlike their freestanding counterparts, fridge freezers aren't just functional appliances: they can be stylish as well. From polished steel finishes to sleek, 1950s-inspired designs, there's a fridge freezer to suit every kitchen.

Many fridge freezers provide bottle racks to store bottles in a safe manner. They stop them from bouncing around on shelves and taking up valuable space and also prevent them from breaking or cracking.

There are fridge freezers available in a range of striking color finishes, such as SMEG FAB32's bright chrome finish. This gives a modern twist to a style icon, and is in line with the latest trends that play around with texture and materials.

Refrigerators with integrated freezers can be concealed behind cabinet doors, blending seamlessly with your home decor. They are also great for people with small kitchens and open-plan living spaces because they can help maximize space and create a neat and neat appearance.

Energy efficiency

It is crucial to be energy efficient because fridges are operational all the time and consume lots of energy. You can cut down on your electricity bill by selecting an energy efficient fridge-freezer. It is also advisable to check the energy consumption of your refrigerator to get an idea of the cost. You can do this using a plug in energy usage meter, or by looking up the price of your electricity provider per kWh.

The latest models are more efficient, and energy labels will tell the amount of kWh that each appliance consumes in a year and how it compares to other appliances. The most efficient appliances are those with an A+ or higher rating. If you are thinking of purchasing a refrigerator or freezer, take a look at the yellow Energy Guide label which gives you an estimate of annual operating costs and helps you determine the energy efficiency of similar refrigerators.

The fridge-freezers are usually the most expensive appliances to run but there are some things you can do to cut down on the cost. For example, leaving space between food and shelves allows cold air to circulate more easily so it uses less energy. This will also help to stop condensation, which is a major energy drain.

russell-hobbs-rh198cf3003-198l-freestandThis Energy Star-rated Frigidaire model could be the thing for you If you're looking to purchase a compact refrigerator that can be able to fit into any space. It's a little more costly than some other models but it's a breeze on your electric costs and comes in white, black and a glossy finish that looks like stainless steel but does not show smudges or fingerprints. It's also ideal for break rooms, office and dorm room.


Người đại diện: Kang Musung
Địa chỉ: : Số 10, Đường số 64,
Khu dân cư Tân Quy Đông,
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